Galatea Foundation in de etalage van KuuB
Natasha Arlova
1 december t/m 7 januari 2024
Searching for a blue bird
Natasha Arlova (1989) is a visual artist from Vitebsk, Belarus, currently based in Amsterdam.
Through het work with voice, images and video, she seeks to understand the current state of the world and her place within it. With a background in activism, she translates he experiences into poetic visual stories of empathy, struggle and persistence. She opts for a personal approach to sometimes heavy and complicated subjects, making her work vulnerable and relatable.
Natasha graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2021. She was awarded the 3Package Deal program by the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts in 2021-2022. In 2023, she was nominated for the Galatea Prize and exhibited at the Dordrecht Museum.
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Natasha Arlova.
Foto: Qiran Xu